Get a Free Inspiration Workbook for Personal Growth

The Inspiration Workbook:

Dr. Nic 

Live The Best Year

 of Your Life

101 Things You Want to Do

Learning the “how” of reaching goals 

Finding the people that will inspire you

How to Live the Best Year of Your Life 
With Clairty and Confidence 



What’s the point of being inspired, if you don’t have any idea what
you want in life? Just knowing what you want is the first step to staying



Having an actual plan is the next key to staying inspired. Setting a few goals is a great way to stay inspired. In this section, you will take what you want from the chapter before, and then plot some goals, so you know how to get there.



The idea of this section is to help you figure out who inspires you. Who is someone you look up to? Who is someone you are doing this for? Who’s story is so inspirational it will keep you going when things get tough?

Get Your Free Inspiration Workbook 

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