Partner with
for the
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Oakseed Ministries International is thrilled to partner with your church or group for the cause of missions this year!

Why Oakseed?

No two ministries are alike at Oakseed. Since Oakseed doesn’t send missionaries or plant ministries, each partner is unique. Oakseed finds and partners with Christians who have grown up in the slums, on the streets, or in orphanages. Knowing the power of Christ to transform their lives, they’ve chosen to stay in these same communities to serve others, ministering to their physical needs and sharing the gospel in the ways most needed in their specific community.

Though each partner’s focus and strategies differ, common threads weave through all of Oakseed’s ministry partners: a heart for the urban poor, a clear calling from the Lord, a commitment to sharing the gospel message, and sacrificial leadership. Oakseed comes alongside these faithful servants and provides the support and resources necessary to continue to follow the Lord’s calling.

Ways to Partner with Oakseed

Missions Fundraisers
In the past, Oakseed has partnered with churches for events such as VBS, bake sales, and youth group activities. We will provide suggestions for projects, supplemental videos, and printable materials.

Meal-Packing Events
Love Link, Oakseed's ministry partner in El Salvador, serves daily nutritious meals to over 650 children in eight locations around San Salvador. Your church or organization can host a meal packing event to help prepare and pack these meals to be sent to them for distribution. 

Short-Term Mission Opportunities
Oakseed has 26 minstry partners worldwide and would love to help pair you with one of them for a short-term mission trip, summer internship, community service, or other ministry oportunity.

Missions Presentations

Oakseed would love to share our vision and mission and introduce you to our ministry partners. We offer several ways to do this:
  • Oakseed's director is available to present at conferences and other venues.
  • Oakseed's ministry liaisons are available to preach and present the ministry.
  • Request a video to share with your church, small group, family, and friends.
Child Sponsorship
Come alongside the most vulnerable by sponsoring a child or crib at several of Oakseed's ministry partners. Visit our sponsorship page for more information.
Join Oakseed's supporters worldwide and cultivate a heart of prayer for what God is doing around the globe. In addition to the prayer resources provided on our prayer page, we would be happy to match you or your group with a specific ministry for prayer.

More Info

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Oakseed's Guarantee


100% of your funds will go to the ministry you choose. No overhead will be taken for Oakseed administration, and Oakseed covers all wire transfer fees.


Oakseed's established ministry partners immediately put your donation to work: no supply chain issues, customs procedures, or transportation restrictions.


Your donations will be used to share the good news of the gospel through ongoing relationships that meet physical and spiritual needs.

Stories from Past Projects and Trips

Summer Missions Opportunities

Several young people have had the opportunity to travel overseas to serve alongside Oakseed ministry partners. One young woman served as a summer intern at Love Link in El Salvador, helping care for severely malnourished infants. Two young men witnessed firsthand the ministry of CEMIPRE in Chile, learning how to better come alongside the visually impaired. Read their stories below.

Youth Group Missions Project

Money raised at a PA youth group's annual “Rent-a-Youth- Grouper” event went to help build a girls' dormitory at Reformed Heart Orphans Center in Kenya. People in the church donated money to rent groups of young people to complete specific jobs, and the kids got to enjoy hanging out with friends while they did yard work, washed pets, babysat, painted, etc.

Meal-Packing Events

One VA church has hosted regular meal-packing events to send tens of thousands of meals to Love Link in El Salvador, where they will be shared with children and families who may otherwise have little to nothing to eat. 

Summer VBS Fundraiser

One PA church has raised money for Oakseed ministry projects during their summer VBS programs. Each morning, the kids place their money in a jar, share what they did to earn it, and get excited to see how much they have raised over the week.

One year, they raised money to help send children in Uganda to a summer Bible camp. Another year, they helped send kids in Brazil to a summer baseball and Bible camp.

Various Missions Fundraisers

One PA church has found several ways to raise funds for missions, including hosting an annual rummage sale and holding coffeehouses with bake sales. Funds raised from these projects have gone to various missions projects over the years.