Aren't You Tired of Being Tired?

Get unstuck, gain clarity, and begin live the life you desire in 60 days

Do you feel like you're stuck in your career, despite having years of experience and numerous achievements?

Are you longing for more impact and meaning in your professional and personal life?

Do you often feel that your current job is blocking your potential and stifling your growth?

Have you ever wondered how to turn your passion into a fulfilling career, but don’t know where to start?

Are you ready to invest in yourself and take a leap of faith towards a more rewarding and purpose-driven life?

I've spent over 20 years as a research scientist. I had a successful career, a slew of achievements, and a mountain of experience and education. On paper, I had it all. But deep down, something was missing. Despite my hard work and dedication, I felt like I was hitting an invisible ceiling. I craved more — more impact, more growth, more meaning in my life.

Every day felt like a repeat of the last. I was proud of my work, but it didn't ignite that spark within me anymore. I knew I had more to offer, but my job seemed to block every attempt at elevation. I felt trapped in a cycle of monotony, my potential stifled by the very system I once admired.

I realized I had to make a choice: continue down this unfulfilling path or take a leap of faith to pursue my dreams. But where to start? I was overwhelmed and unsure of the next steps. I needed clarity and a plan, something to guide me out of the rut and towards a brighter future.

That's when I decided to invest in myself and invest in a coach. This was a game-changer. My coach helped me see my situation from a different perspective, identify my true passions, and develop a concrete plan to move forward. It wasn’t easy. It took years of self-discovery, hard work, and perseverance, but gradually, I began to see a way out.

I started by setting small, achievable goals that aligned with my passions. I took courses, networked with like-minded individuals, and slowly built a blueprint for my new life. This blueprint became my guide, helping me navigate the challenges and stay focused on my ultimate goal: genuine fulfillment.

Finally, I took the leap of faith. I left my job and embarked on a new journey. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. But with every step I took, I felt more alive, more in tune with my true self. I was no longer stuck; I was empowered.

Now, I'm thrilled to share this blueprint with you. I've developed a course that encapsulates everything I learned on my journey. It's designed to help you overcome that feeling of being stuck, find clarity, and pursue a life of purpose and impact.

If you're feeling trapped in your current job, if you know you have more to offer but don't know where to start, this course is for you. Together, we'll break down the barriers holding you back and create a clear, actionable plan to move forward.

You don't have to do this alone. Join me, and let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and fulfillment together. It's time to step out of the shadows and into the life you've always dreamed of.

This is more than just a course; it’s an investment in your future. By enrolling, you’re taking a decisive step towards breaking free from feeling stuck and starting to live a life filled with purpose and impact. By the conclusion of this course you will:
  • Learn how to identify your passions, strengths, and values to gain clarity on your career path.
  • Master the art of setting actionable goals and developing strategies to achieve them.
  • Enhance your ability to prioritize tasks, manage your time effectively, and boost productivity.
  • Build meaningful connections and expand your professional network.
  • Develop your emotional intelligence to improve communication, empathy, and conflict resolution skills.
  • Strengthen your ability to navigate challenges, adapt to change, and maintain a positive mindset.
  • Learn techniques to balance your professional and personal life, reducing stress and increasing overall satisfaction.
  • Gain insights and strategies to advance in your career, from negotiating raises to pursuing new opportunities.
  • Have greater confidence and a sense of purpose.

  • Get Ready To Take Your Self-discovery Jouney...

    During your journey of self-discovery, you will be guided through over seven personal growth journeys that will transform your life including:

    Journey of Self-Reflection

    During this journey, you will observe and analyze yourself to grow. By understanding who you are now and who you’d like to become, you help identify the steps you need to take on that journey. Reflecting upon how you behave and what thoughts enter your mind in response to events in the world around you allows you to see what you need to work on.

     Journey of Self-Awareness 
     During this journey, you will have the potential to enhance virtually every experience you have had in your life. This journey will help to ground yourself at the moment, realistically evaluate your current situation, and help you make good decisions that will move you towards your goals.

    Journey of Self-Knowledge
    This journey explains some of the reasons why you get in your way when it comes to seeing clearly. It will help you understand your capabilities, character, feelings, or motivations.

    Journey of Self-Belief 

    This journey will help you build confidence in your skills, abilities, or judgment. This is such an important journey because without the ability to believe in your worth and actions you may struggle to reach your full potential. This journey will help you live a fulfilling life where you are confident and believe in your abilities.

    Journey of Self-Improvement 
    This journey will help you get clarity on what you want out of life? Because we are wired to want to “do better,” this journey helps you tap into that instinctive trait and desire for self-improvement, leading you to a better life.

    Journey of Self-Planning 
    his journey will help you bring the future into the present and develop a roadmap that you will use to become the person that you want to be. You will learn how to create a SOLID PLAN for life.

    Journey of Self-Motivation 

    This journey will help you establish systems to activate your internal forces to keep pushing yourself to achieve your goals, feel more fulfilled, and improve your overall quality of life. This will help you take control of many aspects of your life.

    What Are They Saying...

    Are you ready to break free from feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your career?

    Our comprehensive course, "Adulting In My Purpose: How to Get Unstuck, Gain Clarity, and Create the Life YOU Desire," is designed specifically for stressed-out professionals like you. In 7 modules, with more than 7 hours of content, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will help you gain clarity, set actionable goals, and pursue a life filled with impact and purpose.

    Here's what you'll get when you enroll:

    7 In-Depth Modules

    Each module is crafted to guide you step-by-step through the process of self-discovery and career transformation.

    Interactive Assessments

    Track your progress and stay on course with practical assessments designed to reinforce your learning.

    Exclusive Community Access

    Connect with like-minded professionals for support, networking, and shared experiences.

    Over 7 Hours of Content

    Rich, engaging videos packed with actionable insights and strategies.

    Self-Improvement Activities

    Hands-on exercises that help you apply what you’ve learned to your own life.

    Monthly Adulting Sessions

    Exclusive live sessions to help you tackle real-world challenges and continue growing even after completing the course.


    Now $500* (value $1997)

    Invest in yourself and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and impactful life. Join us today and start your journey to unlock your true potential!

     *Fast Action Bonuses Below

    About Your Coach
    Nicole "Dr. Nic" Rankine

    Certified Personal Growth Coach and Leadership Development Consultant 

    Dr. Nicole Rankine, affectionately known as Dr. Nic, is one of the most engaging certified Personal Growth Coaches around. She is a consultant with the John Maxwell Team and the CEO of the COLE Academy of Personal Growth, a training, and development company that uses a systematic personal growth program to help youth and young adults discover who they are, clarify their vision, and develop a plan to achieve their goals. Dr. Nic also provides leadership development to the leaders that serve our next generation to help them become better leaders of our students but most importantly of themselves. Her team is comprised of coaches who deliver leadership workshops/seminars, keynote speeches, and coaching services as well as led Leadership Roundtables globally and domestically (Paraguay, Costa Rica, and throughout the United States).


    ACT NOW and Receive Additional Bonuses (value $997)

    Bonus Teaching: Own Your Dream

    Do you have the courage to chase your dreams? Hear from multi-millionare Cedrick LaFleur on how to evaluate your dreams and leap from dreams to achiever.     

    Start A Business Checklist 

    Looking to start a business but don't know where to start? Use the check to orgainize your ideas and get started. 

    Personal Growth Template

    Do you have a personal growth plan? Your development in every area of your life is dependent on your personal growth. Use this template to develop your plan for the year. 

    Things To Know...

    Risk-Free Guarantee: We’re confident this course will change your life, but if you’re not completely satisfied within the first 14 days, we’ll give you a full refund. you can cancel a course (and get a full refund) within 14 days, provided that you have not accessed the course material yet. If you have accessed the course material on the platform within the 14-day period, then the following rules apply.

    • You will still have the right to cancel, but you must pay for the value of the service that was provided to you up to the point you cancel. In other words, if you buy an online course and then change your mind within the 14-day time period, you will be refunded a proportionate sum but will be charged for any admin or materials costs and the amount of teaching time you used. We will base our refund on the amount of online time spent on the course website (which is logged), as a fraction of 40 hours.
    Just sent us an email at with your request. No questions asked.

    Exclusive Offer: This 35% discount is available for a limited time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your future at a fraction of the cost.

    Immediate Benefits: The sooner you start, the sooner you'll begin seeing results. Don't let another day go by feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

    Join us today and start your journey towards genuine fulfillment! Click [HERE] to enroll now, use the code SPECIAL35 at checkout, and take advantage of this incredible offer.

    Procrastination is the enemy of progress. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Every day you delay is another day you remain stuck in the same unfulfilling routine. Act now, secure your spot, and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

    Enroll now, transform your career, and unlock your true potential!

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